Monday, November 14, 2005

No bruiting about it

I normally do not use the word "bruit." A check on the rumored etymology suggests a Latin form deriving from Celtic, as if the Romans had to venture far to stumble across a word for the abrasive noise, the abnormality, which can be received as rudeness, of a certain kind of brayed news or brute message, whether from the body (auscultation) or from the larger world:

bruit Audio pronunciation of "bruit" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (brt)
tr.v. bruit·ed, bruit·ing, bruits
To spread news of; repeat.
  1. (also br) Medicine. An abnormal sound heard in auscultation.
  2. Archaic.
    1. A rumor.
    2. A din; a clamor.

[From Middle English, noise, from Old French, past participle of bruire, to roar, from Vulgar Latin *brgre (blend of Latin rgre, and Vulgar Latin *bragere, to bray of Celtic origin).]

Therefore, without wishing to bruit, IMproPRieTies will simply note that Jeneane has news, good news, and is now at home here, where many will find her and request her help, not to bruit, but to make certain things known with Trinacrian fire, Czech wit, and Atlantean power. Welcome home, Jeneane.


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